

  • 請查閱銷售日曆 , 從「拍賣」的下拉式選單中選取「拍賣日曆」。 接著您會看到即將舉行的拍賣清單。
  • 充分利用搜索條件
  • 電子圖錄 - 我們的獨特優勢。所有拍賣在線目錄具有高清照片和高清放大照片,提供清晰明確的條件狀況報告。
  • 實物目錄 - 提供現場拍賣, 請查詢我們的辦公室office@bagherawines.com


您可以在拍賣會開始前,親自到拍賣場地註冊。您必須建立帳戶,並提供由政府機關發行之身分識別文件,例如駕駛執照或護照;您或可能需要提供銀行備諮。Baghera / wines將為您提供一個競標編號,您可以在拍賣期間進行競標。 正確填寫競標者預註冊表格後,您將獲得槳編號。

您可前往登入,為了使用戶更友好更方便,成功註冊後您將預先註冊參加所有拍賣 。
進入在銷售日曆後, 選擇您感興趣的拍賣, 選擇您感興趣的拍品,每一個拍品都有高清晰度設計師照片, 照片下方 “進行競價投標”登錄後將帶您進入登錄頁面或直接進入競標頁面。


我們的全球客戶也有機會通過電話參與我們的拍賣。需要在拍賣開始前 24 小時填妥「電話競投 」表格。


特點是拍價從高估價到低估價倒退-搶先點擊就取勝!更理性,更有趣。 通過下載我們的教程如何WOC指南







  • 鑑賞家
  • 收藏家
  • 飲家



  • 鑑定專家
  • 評估專家
  • 藝術設計師





Baghera / wines專家將根據閣下提交的資料及圖片提供盡可能最準確的拍賣估價。我們的評估服務是免費且保密的。




  • 詳細評估, 部分或整個酒窖的價值。
  • 捐贈或保險合同,或在繼承的情況。
  • 我們的專家建立清單,評估將以詳細的書面報告的形式呈現給您。

鑑定書之後,我們將對您的酒酒窖進行深入評估。 此階段之後是詳細的建議和特別適合您的全球市場營銷計劃和在最合適的市場宣傳拍品。



在出售之前,我們將草擬委託協議,詳細列出您選擇存放在Baghera / wines的名酒。



Baghera / wines團隊與您一起在整個銷售過程中合作。


Documents to consult

Find below all the useful documents to sell with Baghera/wines.

Help / FAQ

Welcome to our FAQs. Your question does not appear here ?
Do not hesitate to contact us directly.

Wine o‘clocks are regular thematic events which present wines that are carefully selected by our team of experts and take place exclusively online.

The special feature of these sales : the auctions go backwards, from the high estimate to the low estimate — the first to click wins the lot !

Registration, purchase orders and live auctions are take place directly on the website. Follow the guide by consulting our tutorial “Wine o'clocks step by step”.

If you are unable to travel to Geneva for the auction, you can submit purchase orders via your online customer account, or fill in and return the absentee bids form by email or by post.

To be informed of upcoming sales, it's really very simple: go to the Sales Calendar page on our website where you will find all the sale dates. You can also subscribe to our newsletter to make sure you do not miss out on a rare vintage.

Throughout the year, Baghera/wines proposes to accompany you in the precise appraisal of your wine collection and your wines. Our evaluations are free of charge and confidential.

To have your cellar, or specific bottles appraised, various solutions are available to you. You can send us a detailed list or photos of your wines by email. We can also arrange an appointment with one of our experts at your cellar. Visit the Contact section of our site.

At the end of the auction, our team emails you the detailed results of your bids, lot by lot.

If you have won one or more lots, you will receive the corresponding invoice no later than the day after the sale. Do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

Creating your customer account is very simple and will only take a few minutes. Go to this registration form and follow the instructions.

Once the sale is over, our administrative team will send you an invoice and an estimate of the shipping costs (according to the wishes you expressed prior to the auction). The total amount of your invoice will include the hammer price, the buyer's premium and local taxes.

The payment of your purchases can be made by bank tranfer. Cash payments (subject to certain restrictions and legal limitations) and major credit cards are also accepted during room sales.

For further information please refer to our General Terms & Conditions of Sale.

With the experience of many years in the world of wine, we at Baghera/wines have built-up an extensive network of high-quality logistics providers. reliable, high-quality carriers. Upon request we can organise on your behalf secure deliveries, adapted to your needs and with a prior quotation.

Upon simple request, the press service (asta@theluxurypr.com / + 41 79 961 85 66) can provide photos in high and low definition.

All our events and tastings alike, are listed on the Events Calendar page of our website . You can also subscribe to our newsletter to keep up with our news.

You can receive the catalogues of our current or past sales (within the limits of available stocks) on request by writing to us at office@bagherawines.com.